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This is the VE*Trade top traders list.  VE*Trade was the first version of the Imperial Stock Market that was shut down after the server crash in 2000.  The Imperial Stock Market was un-tradable until Imperitrade opened up, which allowed trading once again.
NOTE:  None of these winnings were saved after the server crash of 2000 as all the member data had been lost with the crash.
VE*Trade Top Traders
Member Name Total Gain Sale Date
1. Kadann 120,000,000.00 08-11-2000
2. Sesswanna 61,723,704.00 08-11-2000
3. NiksaVel 30,965,880.00 07-18-2000
4. Sesswanna 20,000,000.00 07-07-2000
5. NiksaVel 11,197,272.00 07-18-2000
6. Kadann 10,000,000.00 08-10-2000
7. Corran 7,000,000.00 10-14-2000
8. NiksaVel 6,500,000.00 07-18-2000
9. NiksaVel 6,000,000.00 07-18-2000
10. NiksaVel 5,750,000.00 07-18-2000
11. Sesswanna 4,910,940.00 07-07-2000
12. NiksaVel 4,500,000.00 04-12-2000
13. Corran 3,000,000.00 08-19-2000
14. NiksaVel 2,850,000.00 04-12-2000
15. NiksaVel 2,300,000.00 07-18-2000
16. von_Reinthaler 2,025,000.00 05-25-2000
17. Sesswanna 1,883,340.00 07-07-2000
18. Sesswanna 1,793,372.00 08-08-2000
19. NiksaVel 1,600,000.00 04-12-2000
20. NiksaVel 1,500,000.00 04-12-2000
21. von_Reinthaler 1,250,000.00 05-17-2000
22. Kadann 810,000.00 04-04-2000
23. Kadann 750,000.00 04-04-2000
24. Sesswanna 676,664.00 07-07-2000
25. NiksaVel 551,000.00 04-24-2000


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